Student Research

This annual CAFNRM symposium highlights research from students at the College of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resource Management (CAFNRM) at the University of Hawaii at Hilo.  It was initiated by Dr. Norman Arancon in Fall of 2018 as a way for students to gain presentation experience, and to also share their research and class projects with their fellow classmates and faculty. 

 Although the college provides students with classes to make them well-rounded in agriculture, the divergence of the specializations in the final years of study results in students mainly taking courses in one area such as animals, horticulture, aquaculture etc.  This symposium, therefore, is of utmost importance in sharing knowledge and experiences between the specializations within CAFNRM. While refining areas of study is important for academic progress, we must never forget that all areas of agriculture are interdependent and we can all learn from each other!

Poster presentations in the area of research are shared below from the 2018-2019 years. 

Matthew Dye

Specialty: Aquaculture

Course: Independent study

Aaron Shipman

Specialty: Tropical Plant Science and Agroecology

Course: Principles of Horticulture HORT 262

Brian Rule

Course: Tropical Fruit and Nut Production HORT 352

Katelyn Yockey et al.

Course: Principles of Horticulture HORT 262

Ryan Porter

Course: Principles of Horticulture HORT 262